5 Mistakes Every Hockey Loving Groom Can Avoid

Congrats!  You made it to the Stanley Cup (aka found someone who will actually marry you). It may be hard to believe, but it’s real, and coming quicker than Maurice “The Rocket” Richard...


Now comes the dreadful part.  

You have vows to write, speeches, find the right DJ, the photo/video crew, there’s family to deal with, and you better figure out the seating. Tons of stuff you probably want nothing to do with.

To help you keep your sanity leading up to the big game, here are 5 mistakes every hockey-loving groom can avoid.

  1. Show Up to Practice - You wouldn’t show up to the Stanley Cup without practicing, right?  Same goes for your wedding. You gotta get involved in the planning. So play all positions. Don’t just sit back at goalie. Jump up to center.  Hang back on D. Ask questions. Have opinions. Be supportive, but not a pushover.

  2. Generic Vow Fail - Most grooms Google their vows right before the wedding.  Without a personal touch, everyone knows you printed them out the day before, including your lady. So spend some time on your vows, and PRACTICE.  If you’re a real hockey fan, drop your email below and I’ll send you some clever hockey lover vows you can customize.

  3. Keep The Gloves On - During the wedding planning process tensions will rise.  THIS IS NORMAL. Not just for planning weddings, but marriage in general.  Keep the gloves on, EVEN IF SHE TAKES THEM OFF.

  4. Don’t Get Hammered - Catching a buzz is one thing.  Blacking out and blowing your speech or causing a scene is another.  Unless you and the lady agree on taking shots of Johnny Walker, keep it together.  The wedding day is symbolic and will be looked back on by everyone, ESPECIALLY your wife.

  5. Watch The Game Clock - Guys are usually oblivious to time on the wedding day.  I know I was. In retrospect, this was a huge mistake. Missed photos, wasted time, and higher stress levels are the result.  You don’t need to know the minute-by-minute, just have a general idea. Set reminders on your phone or ask the boys to help you.  If you step in and save the day because you knew time was running low, you’ll be the biggest stud, and your fiance will repay you later...

It may feel overwhelming, but you got this. Close your eyes and imagine your vows killing in front of all those cheering fans!  Think of all your hard work paying off for the best party of the year.

And for the real hockey fans, if you need a little help, I got you.

Pop in your email and I’ll send you pre-written fill-in-the-blank vows you can easily customize. You can show your love for the greatest game AND that special lady, all while getting laughs along the way.