Alternative Wedding Locations

Your wedding is one of the most important days of your life and there's so many different ways to make it special and personal to you! The most traditional option is to have it at a hotel ballroom. However, there are many options that will create a beautiful and memorable wedding for you. Below are some ideas and alternatives to make your reception as amazing as you can!

Sports Field:
Cakes and Kisses
 Jack K Hou Photography
Ski Lodge:
 Mitchell Dyer Photography



Furious Photography

Art Gallery:

A Bryan Photo

Botanical Garden:

Lin and Jirsa Photography
College campus
  • Most college campuses let alumni get married at the school!
Industrial loft
Private home
  • Think of close family and friends who might have gorgeous homes and will be willing to open it up to you! This is a great way to be original and save some money!

No matter where you decide to have your wedding, it will be beautiful but I hope these ideas help you see other ways to be original!